Best Odoo Repositories

Below you can find a list of best odoo repositories available.

Odoo PyCharm Templates

Pycharm templates for odoo

Odoo New API guideline

Odoo New API guideline by Nicolas Bessi

OCA community backport

This is OCA additions on top of odoo server repository. Hope to find it more active when official support for 8.0 is over.

Odoo Community Association repositories

This is the first place to look for a module need. Yoau can browse the modules from their github page. Quality is high and there are 150 repositories under.

OdooMRP team

Modules around MRP needs, well organzied and high quality.

Vauxoo odoo addons

Lots of usefull high quality addons, they can add more description to the modules.

IT-Projects odoo addons

very promising and mostly nice descriptions.

Akretion odoo addons

They also put their efforts in OCA modules, or publish their modules in OCA. Organization of github repos can be better.

AVANZOSC odoo addons

Addons till 8.0

Smile odoo addons

Odoo addons developed by Smile

Eficents odoo addons

Odoo addons developed by Eficent

Jerome Sonnet’s odoo addons

Odoo addons developed by Jerome Sonnet

Awesome Food Coops odoo addons

Odoo addons developed for Food Coops

ClearCorp odoo addons

Odoo addons developed by ClearCorp

Cenit-IO odoo addons

Odoo addons developed by Cenit-IO

Disna odoo addons

Special Odoo modules for Disna

Avanzados odoo addons

Odoo modules by Servicios Tecnológicos Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza

NDP systemes odoo addons

Public Odoo addons from NDP Systèmes

Ingeniería ADHOC odoo addons

Ingeniería ADHOC odoo repositories

Emipro odoo addons

This repository contain odoo addons which are developed by Emipro

WT-IO-IT odoo addons

Odoo Addons by WT-IO-IT

Elico Corp odoo addons

Odoo Addons by Elico Corp

LasLabs odoo addons

Odoo addons for odoo by LalLabs

Yenthe V.G odoo addons

Yenthe V.G Odoo Modules

Dynamic Product Configuration addons

Odoo modules enabling dynamic product configuration by Pledra

Terrabit odoo addons

Terrabit Odoo Modules

Odoo based Asterisk IP-PBX

Odoo based Asterisk IP-PBX system

Odoo Modules by Mohamed M. Hagag

Custom odoo Modules by Mohamed M. Hagag for V8

Odoo Modules by Rui Pedrosa Franco

Custom odoo Modules by Rui Pedrosa Franco